Our Philosophy

The Weekday School's philosophy from the beginning has been that each child is a gift from God who brings unique needs and abilities for our care and development. Within this context and within the actual house of God's love, our school and our teachers make a significant difference in the spiritual, social, emotion, intellectual and physical life of each and every child entrusted to us. Our mission is to provide a loving, Christian environment within which a child can fulfill his or her potential to learn and grow in these areas.

At the Weekday School, many children realize for the first time and, one hopes, for a lifetime that:

This positive  concept of school should help to carry our children in to their next school situation - and, it is hoped, throughout their lives.






Class Size

Class size is limited to the number that is essential for the best development of children. There will be two teachers in each classroom and all lead teachers have a minimum of a four year degree. The majority of our assistants also have a Bachelor’s degree.

Class Size Ratio

The WDS program is open to any child in our community and the school does not discriminate on the basis of race or religion. Those with physical or other handicaps will be considered on an individual basis.

School hours are from 8:45 a.m. until 12:00 noon Monday through Friday. Lunch Bunch extends the day to 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday for ages 2 and up.